Sink or Swim Remix


When I'm not demo'ing new songs or recording in the studio with my band, Magnolia, I'm lucky enough to work for a company called Cakewalk. Not only do they make amazing music recording software, but almost everyone who works there is an incredible musician - they're accomplished songwriters, guitarists, producers, composers, and everything in between, and, more often than not, we try to help each other out.

I got the chance to collaborate with my good friend (and producer extraordinairre, Lance Riley, who also plays in a band called Baby Made Rebel), and he did an amazing remix of my latest song, "Sink or Swim". I'm trying to wrap up the artwork for it, so it'll be up on iTunes soon, but in the meantime, give it a listen here on Nerdy Frames.

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World Vision Spotlight Artist


Unsigned Only Music Competition